After the banquet Brian went back to the hotel and the girls and their mom’s hit the town! Caitlin was MORE than excited to take me to the bars. She actually said to the other mom’s “This is my moms first time out”! Apparently I’m a loser that never went out when she was younger. If she only knew how her Aunt Wendy and I knew every happy hour in Colorado Springs!
So while we were out at Kamms….we went there because we got “free” glasses…..Caitlin and I were going to have a photo together when this young man decided he would be in our photo too! Hind sight is 20/20, I should have snatched him up for Caitlin! He was so cute and funny. Oh well…it’s a fun memory.
We had a fantastic weekend just being together. I will remember it always….it was just nice to be us. Love you Cait.
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